PBX (or something) for modem testing

Jim Brain brain at jbrain.com
Tue Dec 3 22:35:40 CST 2019

To continue validating modem functionality, I think it makes sense to 
set up a closed loop phone system in my lab that will function well 
enough to allow modems to connect to each other (dial tone, ringing, 
busy signal, etc.).

I know I can probably whip something up with a 9 v battery and a piece 
of cable with rj11s, but I think that will fall short.

That said, I went out to eBay to see if I could source a 2-8 line 
something to help, and got smacked around with my lack of telephone 
system knowledge.

So, any ideas (or links to eBay auctions) of brands/models/etc. I should 
focus on?

Also, if anyone has any modems lying around gathering dust, I probably 
should source a few more models. tcpser handles Hayes "+++" spec 
correctly, but I should probably support TIES as well, to cite one example.


Jim Brain
brain at jbrain.com

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