2 huge warehouses full of old computers

John H. Reinhardt johnhreinhardt at thereinhardts.org
Mon Oct 29 18:24:41 CDT 2018

On 10/29/2018 2:53 PM, Electronics Plus via cctalk wrote:
> Thursday I visited Computer Fusion near Dallas, TX. They have 2 huge
> warehouses that they have been filling up since the 1990s. I saw a lot of
> old Sun gear, lots of 90s era PCs, etc. Not all of it is listed on his site,
> but if there is something specific you want, go to http://www.cfusion.com
> and send them a request. Yes, he still has working ESDI, MFM, etc drives J
> Cindy Croxton
> Electronics Plus
> 1613 Water Street
> Kerrville, TX 78028
> 830-370-3239 cell
> sales at elecplus.com
> ---
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Since I live in Fort Worth, I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear about this.  Or rather, my wife wouldn't want me to hear about this. Oh, my, they're actually in Euless, TX.  Only 30 minutes from me.  This could be dangerous.

John H. Reinhardt

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