TeleVideo Systems stuff

Patrick Finnegan pat at
Sun Oct 14 20:28:41 CDT 2018

After VCFMW this year, I've been looking at old projects I have and
was wondering if anyone has any leads on TeleVideo systems.

I'm looking for TS-800 terminals/systems, and interested in probably
any 1980s Televideo terminals, depending on price, especially the 950,
and 965s... and keyboards for them.

I'd also like to find a TPC-II (the 8088-based portable computer).  I
used to have one growing up, and there's a bit of nostalgia there.

It seems like there's more Televideo stuff lately than I remember
being on eBay before, but it's all fairly expensive, especially the
computers.  I have picked up a few affordable things (970 & 965
terminals missing some keyboards and a TS-803 that I'm still waiting
on).  I have a couple of TS-801's, TS-806C and a TS-816 that are in
various states of repair, that I've been poking at.

I also have various Qbus era DEC stuff that I could probably trade for it.

Any leads would be appreciated!



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