OT: Vintage test and other equipment available

Richard Cini rich.cini at gmail.com
Sun May 20 11:45:04 CDT 2018

All –


                I did a rescue of some vintage HP equipment for VCFE and the donor had the following vintage test and other equipment left over in his storage unit (from his father, who had recently passed, an engineer for North American Bosch). It goes to the dumpster at the end of May. Location is Long Island (Farmingdale). If anyone is interested, please contact me off-list.





                *              HP 202C Low Frequency Oscillator

                *              HP 202A Low Frequency Function Generator

                *              HP 4000 Vacuum Tube Voltmeter

                *              Heathkit IG-62 color bar generator

                *              Megadata Multi-video Display (looks like on-screen video titler)

                *              Invac triple paper tape drive in a 6' rack

                *              Dumont 403 Oscilloscope





Rich Cini




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