Fwd: Re: TRS-80 bits

Jim Brain brain at jbrain.com
Sun Jun 24 23:27:55 CDT 2018

Anyone live near this Hotel?  I am just getting home and am just now 
seeing this.  Evidently, this is a rescue attempt, but I don't have a 
bunch of detail as yet.


Hi Jim

I sent the below email to Peter yesterday. Have not heard from him.
It would be a pity if neither of you can arrange to get hold of this
stuff. Can you maybe provide backup if Peter can't make it?


Hi Peter

TRS-80 bits will be at the Watson Hotel. 440 57th Str. Hell's
Kitchen, NY 10019.

Fellow is called Marius Killian and he's there today and tomorrow
(24th and 25th). Sorry about short notice but I only came home last night.

Please make plan to pick up, or for hotel to hold for you. Let me know.


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