DEC PDP 11 RK05 DEC custom (?) bootstrap board

Noel Chiappa jnc at
Thu Aug 30 14:46:58 CDT 2018

    > From: Paul Koning

    > the original ROM array bootstrap supports not just RK05 but also RF11,
    > RC11, and TC11 in just 16 words of code.

Ah, the days of devices that just did what they were told without trying to be
effing rocket scientists about it!

(Yeah, yeah, I know _some_ of the things the later ones did, you had to be
close to the hardware to do them, but too often they had this 'we're from the
device manufacturer, and we're here to help you' thing going. I used to have a
photocopy of a great article in a trade rag which explained why complex devices
were a Bad Idea; maybe I can find it, if anyone's interested.)


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