PT210 rs232 interface module

David Griffith dave at
Fri Aug 3 22:45:15 CDT 2018

I've had a fondness for the Radio Shack TRS-80 PT-210 portable printing 
terminal for a long time.  Unfortunately, I've been unable to find an 
RS-232 interface module for it.  A couple years ago I found a hardcopy of 
the service manual and used it to enter schematics and lay out a board for 
it.  I scanned it and that's the one that's circulating on the web. The 
schematics and foil patterns in the service manual seem to be slightly 
wrong, so I've been on the lookout for one on eBay.  I found one and won 
it just now and will use it to verify my design.  I should have blank 
boards ready for sale in a month or two.

If the other bidder is here, please email me with a screenshot showing 
that you bid.  I'll send you a blank board free of charge when I get 
boards made.

David Griffith
dave at

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