ISO: Tape Seal Belts

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Fri Aug 3 00:33:38 CDT 2018

I'm looking for a small quantity of 10.5" half-inch reel tape seal
belts.  These are the things that almost everybody with a large
collection of tapes used to hang their half-inch tapes in racks made for
the purpose.

At one time, like tape write rings, these things were as common as
cockroaches.  Countless millions manufactured.

I can't seem to find anyone who is sitting on a pile of these.  Not even
eBay.  Mind you, I don't want the tapes themselves, just the belts.  My
issue is that I'm getting sent tapes without cases or belts more
frequently.  I suspect that in many situations, the belts have just been
discarded, as they break and become brittle with age.

I can remember discarding the hard plastic cases when refitting tapes
for the auto-thread drives.   We'd fill up dumpsters with the things.

If someone is sitting a pile of the old cases, those would do in a pinch.

Any ideas or leads welcome.


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