Almost PDP 11/05 on Ebay

Josh Dersch derschjo at
Tue Nov 21 12:52:58 CST 2017

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 10:25 AM, william degnan via cctech <
cctech at> wrote:

> This looks to me like the power supply and backplane of a PDP 11/05, looks
> to be in nice shape.  Surprised no one grabbed this yet, esp someone with
> an 11/05 that has issues with power supply.  Someone might have the missing
> parts.
> "DEC PDP-11 Digital BA11-KE Mounting Box"
> Mounting-Box/28265372079

It looks to me like a standard Unibus expansion chassis (a BA11-KE, as the
auction says) with a 9-slot DD11-D backplane and a pair of 4-slot
backplanes (not sure what they are, they may also be DD11's, I'm not good
at identifying them from the back ;)).  It could potentially be for an
11/05, but only if that 9-slot backplane isn't a DD11-D and is instead the
special backplane for the 11/05 CPU set...

- Josh

> granted "all you need are the cards and the front panel" reminds me of the
> steve martin routine.  "It's easy to be a millionaire, first get a million
> dollars and then ...."
> Compare with
> b

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