Alphaserver 4100 - Give my Monster Life!!!!

Ross Alexander rwa at
Thu May 25 16:14:50 CDT 2017

On Wed, 24 May 2017, Richard Loken wrote:

> It is using lots of electricity and making lots of noise while displaying
> a Motif session in a 19" liquid crystal monitor without a stand...
> What could be better than this?

Using it as an Xterminal for a Rasp Pi? (Hurriedly ducks behind his
DEC AXP150, SGI Indy, and Sun workstations which form an impenetrable

Pleased at your success, long may it grind.

Ross Alexander, (780) 675-6823 desk / (780) 689-0749 cell, rwa at

        [I] never had any mathematical conversations with anybody,
        because there was nobody else in my field.
                                               -- Alonzo Church
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