Floating point routines for the 6809

jim stephens jwsmail at jwsss.com
Tue Mar 28 01:54:08 CDT 2017

That's cool.  I need to scrounge around and find my copy of Forth we 
used on a 6809 tape
controller firmware.  I had forth in the diagnostic firmware that we had 
on a snapon module
and you could compose whatever diagnostic exercises you chose by 
executing the basic
test functions we had in Forth.

Thanks for posting and finding it or writing it, Eric.

On 3/27/2017 10:51 PM, Eric Smith via cctalk wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Sean Conner via cctalk <
> cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
>>    Some time ago I came across the MC6839 ROM which contains floating point
>> routines for the 6809.  The documentation that came with it stated:
>>          Written for Motorola by Joel Boney, 1980
>>          Released into the public domain by Motorola in 1988
>>          Docs and apps for Tandy Color Computer by Rich Kottke, 1989
>>    What I haven't been able to find is the actual *source code* to the
>> module.  Is it available anywhere?  I've been playing around the the MC6839
>> on an emulator but having the source would clear up some issues I've been
>> having with the code.
> https://github.com/brouhaha/float09
> I haven't modified it to assemble with a readily available assembler, so I
> don't know whether it assembles into the exact MC6839 ROM image.

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