Pair of Twiggys

geneb geneb at
Tue Mar 14 15:46:31 CDT 2017

On Tue, 14 Mar 2017, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:

>    > From: geneb
>    >> When people decided Steve Jobs had become a god?
>    > Right about the time that whole "computer for the rest of us" started...
> Yes, of course: nobody had thought of a cheap personal computer before him.
I'm going to assume you're being sarcastic. :)

> Although I suppose you might have been talking about the software. I mean,
> without that whole display/windows/menu/mouse thing he copied from 
> Xerox, to allow ordinary people to use a computer, where would we be?

Fixed that for ya. :)

> Look, I fully admit that Steve Jobs was a _very_ sharp person who had a
> _tremendous_ influence.

Bah, he was an ego-driven trinket salesman.  His trinkets quit being any 
good after the IIgs. :)


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