Looking for Apollo Workstations for TV show

js at cimmeri.com js at cimmeri.com
Mon Mar 13 16:09:51 CDT 2017

On 3/13/2017 3:24 PM, Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
> On 2017-03-13 4:15 PM, Al Kossow via cctalk wrote:
>>> If it says "Earth is destroyed, the programmers failed"
>> You appear to have no clue what "Halt and Catch Fire" is.
> ...But if the TITLE of the show says "stuff catches fire" that's a 
> pretty big warning right there.

The episode where a truckload of computers caught fire has already passed.

The show generally appeasr to treat the machinery respectfully, except 
some of the actors have a penchant for putting food or beverages on top 
of various units which -- I don't know about you -- makes me fidgety.

- J.

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