Rick Murphy rick at
Thu Jan 26 21:03:14 CST 2017

On 1/26/2017 9:33 PM, Charles Dickman wrote:
> I am trying to build the DECUS TECO with VT support for OS/8.
> TECO came from ibiblio and the assembler listing says it is OS/8 TECO
> VERSION 7. I am using MACREL-V1B. It all assembles without error, but
> the linker fails with a NO ROOM message.
> I can't find any information on what NO ROOM means from the MACREL
> documentation.
> This is using SIMH PDP8 with 32k words.
> I also found MACREL V2 source, but it in in MACREL, but I have not
> tried to bootstrap it using V1.
> I was hoping to make source editing just a little bit easier.
> -chuck
What are you trying to do with TECO?
I have a OS/8 RK05 image with MACREL and the TECO source that builds 
correctly. Or, did at some point.

LINKing that uses the following:


Seems likely that the NO ROOM error is coming from the linker.

My version of the TECO code has been edited to allow ANSI terminals vice 
VT52, which may be what you're trying to get to. Want a copy of the disk 

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