Cromemco disk question

william degnan billdegnan at
Sat Feb 4 06:16:44 CST 2017

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 10:54 PM, Richard Cini <rich.cini at> wrote:

> All –
>                 I’m trying to test a Cromemco 16FDC controller…long story
> but it’s part of a QDOS project. I’m looking for recommendations on a 5.25”
> disk image I could use for testing. The system is simple – 16FDC, CompuPro
> RAM17 (with $C0 block disabled), and a Z80 card. The 16FDC RDOS ROM works,
> so I can issue commands but I need to test the disk interface part.
>                 Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!

One of these should work, note txt files that explain some of them.


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