Logic Analysers

Paul Berger phb.hfx at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 12:44:41 CST 2017

On 2017-02-03 1:23 PM, jim stephens wrote:
> On 2/3/2017 9:09 AM, Paul Berger wrote:
>> I also have a 16700A, 16600A, and a 16500C but they are rarely if 
>> ever used these days.
>> Paul. 
> the 16600A has one slot.  We had one with a scope card installed, very 
> nice compact setup if the builtin channels were sufficient.
> thanks
> jim
Yep that is why I got it, its hard to image 192 channel +  12 clocks not 
being enough it would be better is they where deep memory like the cards 
in my 16700B but you can't have everything.  Since it is the same CPU 
card I moved the option 3 card from the 16700A into it when I took the 
16700A out of service.  I also had an extra 10?100 card from a 16700B I 
think I may have stuck it in there too.  The 10/100 card will work in an 
A but you need to remove the RJ45 connector that is on the CPU card.


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