Help Identifying Components

Rob Jarratt robert.jarratt at
Sun Dec 24 13:15:08 CST 2017

> My guesses are as follows.
> 1.  That "AA" or "M" looks to me like a Motorola logo.  The fact that this device
> is polarized leads me to suspect that it's a diode.
> 2.  I suspect that this thing is a fuse.
> 3.  Almost certainly transistors.  The center pin is usually the collector.
> --Chuck

Many thanks, those make sense. I tested the first one in circuit to see if it was a diode and that seems to be correct.

I think the orange components are capacitors (they are taller than the browner ones), but their markings don't seem to hint at the values, some are marked "AA4", which does not seem to correspond to any marking scheme I have been able to find. Any idea if they *are* capacitors and what the values might be?



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