MFM floppy and HD emulator DREM

geneb geneb at
Mon Oct 17 12:59:26 CDT 2016

On Mon, 17 Oct 2016, Jason Howe wrote:

>>>> Hi all,
>>>> anybody has any experience with that:
>> The device may be great, but their website is a script-laden dumpster fire. 
>> According to Lynx it has no non-script text to even render. Firefox with 
>> NoScript enabled renders a blank page as well.
> I noticed that too, I keep a copy of Chrome around for just such horrid 
> sites.  There's really no reason for it.
Considering there's now JavaScript versions of Cryptolocker out in the 
wild, I won't even touch it with Chrome. :)

> Regardless, this looks pretty exciting to me, as I get ready to repair the 
> board on my ST251-1, I wonder how much longer the old drive can realistically 
> last.

The price doesn't bother me much - that's simply a reflection of 
small-volume production.  It would be nice if they'd offer it as a kit 
though.  Maybe release the firmware so folks could add support for other 


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