MFM floppy and HD emulator DREM

Peter Cetinski pete at
Mon Oct 17 11:18:13 CDT 2016

> On Oct 17, 2016, at 11:58 AM, emanuel stiebler <emu at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> anybody has any experience with that:
> ?

Yes, I'm currently in the process of getting the DREM working with a Tandy 6000 and Xenix.  I can format and I can do MFM reads but I am currently having an issue with CRC checks during writes which are failing for the Tandy's WD1010 controller.  I think it's an easy fix so I'm in contact with the DREM team and hopefully it will be going well soon.  I'll keep you updated.  Overall, I think it's a pretty solid product and a great solution to the dwindling supply of working MFM drives.  Plus, backups are super easy with the SD card  support.  And the detailed logging allowed me to easily pinpoint the issue with the CRC checks.

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