IBM 370 Hard Drive

Paul Berger phb.hfx at
Fri Oct 14 17:48:48 CDT 2016

On 2016-10-14 7:42 PM, Jason Howe wrote:
> Came across this in the local craigslist today:
> I don't know if this is of interest to the Big Iron IBM guys, but if 
> there's any interest from folks not in the Seattle Area, I'm happy to 
> help faciliate.
> --Jason
That is a 62PC I don't know of any 370 systems that used them, I think 
the closed they came to a mainframe was they where used in the 8130 and 
8140 systems.  There was also at least one in every S/38, in the later 
days of S/38 it was usually only one with the system microcode on it and 
it was run isolated from the rest of the disk storage because of their 
tendency to die suddenly.  I believe that 62PCs where also used in S/34 
and Series/1.


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