Replacement for a Corcom F2987A EMI Filter

Jon Elson elson at
Fri May 13 11:54:59 CDT 2016

On 05/13/2016 11:10 AM, Robert Jarratt wrote:
> I have found an original filter on ebay in the US, 
> shipping it here would cost about the same as buying a 
> modern replacement. So I have a choice: 1. Fit a modern 
> replacement, which won't fit exactly and won't look right, 
> but will surely last a while. 2. Fit a working original, 
> which will fit and will look right, but may fail on me. 
> What is the longevity of these filters like in general?
Gee, I've NEVER had one fail in any of the gear I have.  I 
did have an "X" capacitor fail in a big switching power 
supply, but this was just a capacitor on a board.  I've 
never had a Corcom or other brand of power entry/line filter 
go bad.

So, I think that one particular type might have had some 
kind of manufacturing defect.


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