Which RT-11 for an 11/03

Richard Cini rich.cini at verizon.net
Fri Mar 11 13:41:49 CST 2016

Gary -- that must be what the other switch is for. I haven't yet unmounted the PS board to see what the switch was connected to, only having recently gotten the schematic.  I'll make sure the switch is off (I think it may be on). 

The schematic has an unlabeled jumper "J" which is shown connected. The related transistor connects to the BEVENT signal on the backplane so that must be the LTC. Aha!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 11, 2016, at 2:22 PM, Gary L. Messick <Gary at realtimecomp.com> wrote:
> Rich,
> If you need to disable the LTC interrupt, it's a jumper wire located on the top (solder side) of the power supply.  It originally came as two single pin socket type things with a wire jumper-ed between them.  When I previously asked whether it had two or three switches on the front, later models moved it to the front panel.
> Also, I vaguely remember issues with booting HT-11 with the LTC enabled.  I believe you could re-enabled it after booting, but that would be a ~40 year old memory!
> Gary
> ________________________________________
> From: cctalk [cctalk-bounces at classiccmp.org] on behalf of Richard Cini [rich.cini at verizon.net]
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 1:35 PM
> To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
> Subject: Re: Which RT-11 for an 11/03
> Mattis -- thanks! I'll check this out in detail when I get home tonight and I'll give it a try.
> Rich
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 11, 2016, at 1:26 PM, Mattis Lind <mattislind at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> SIMH has never directly supported mounting/attaching virtual TU58 devices.
>>> Altho the required serial interface
>>> is emulated (ie, a plain DL11 at 776500/300) the TU58 drive behind the
>>> serial interface has never been emulated.
>> I just tested the latest SimH from github and it is indeed possible to
>> enable tdc and attach an image file to the tdc0 device. I then booted into
>> RT11 from a DU-device and did INIT DD0: no problem.
>> Then I made a bootable DD image. I did even do a BOOT DD0: which gave me a
>> RT11-prompt. But booting from SimH failed on me. I am not sure why.
>> MattisMacBook:BIN mattis$ ./pdp11
>> PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Beta        git commit id: 1b6f28a7
>> sim> set tdc enable
>> sim> attach tdc0 rt11-dd.dsk
>> TDC: creating new file
>> TDC: buffering file in memory
>> sim> attach rq0 rt11v53-games.dsk
>> sim> b rq0
>> RT-11SJ  V05.03
>> .init dd0:
>> DD0:/Initialize; Are you sure? Y
>> .copy dd.sys dd0:
>> Files copied:
>> DK:DD.SYS      to DD0:DD.SYS
>> **** Copying some files *****
>> .copy rt11sj.sys dd0:
>> Files copied:
>> .copy/boot rt11sj.sys dd0:
>> .boot dd0:
>> RT-11SJ  V05.03
>> .dir
>> DD    .SYS     5P 20-Dec-85      TT    .SYS     2P 20-Dec-85
>> SWAP  .SYS    27P 20-Dec-85      STARTS.COM     1P 20-Dec-85
>> DIR   .SAV    19P 20-Dec-85      DUP   .SAV    47P 20-Dec-85
>> DU    .SYS     8P 20-Dec-85      RT11SJ.SYS    79P 20-Dec-85
>> 8 Files, 188 Blocks
>> 316 Free blocks
>> .boot du0:
>> RT-11SJ  V05.03
>> .
>> Simulation stopped, PC: 146414 (BCC 146446)
>> sim> exit
>> Goodbye
>> TDC: writing buffer to file
>> PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Beta        git commit id: 1b6f28a7
>> sim> set tdc enable
>> sim> attach tdc0 rt11-dd.dsk
>> TDC: buffering file in memory
>> sim> b tdc0
>> Trap stack push abort, PC: 000000 (WAIT)
>> sim>
>> I have no idea why SimH is not able to boot from the simulated DD0: device.
>> The steps to make a bootable dd0: was exactly the same steps as to make a
>> bootable RK0: which works just fine.
>> Ersatz-11 on the other hand works fine with the same image:
>> E11>assign tt1: dda:
>> E11>mount dda0: rt11v53_dd.dsk
>> E11>b tt1:
>> RT-11SJ  V05.03
>> .dir
>> TT    .SYS     2P 20-Dec-85      DD    .SYS     5P 20-Dec-85
>> RT11SJ.SYS    79P 20-Dec-85      SWAP  .SYS    27P 20-Dec-85
>> STARTS.COM     1P 20-Dec-85      DIR   .SAV    19P 20-Dec-85
>> RESORC.SAV    25P 20-Dec-85
>> 7 Files, 158 Blocks
>> 346 Free blocks
>> .
>> This is the image that boots in Ersatz-11 but not in SimH:
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96935524/rt11v53_dd.dsk.gz
>> Since it boots on Ersatz-11 when set to 11/03 CPU it should work on the
>> real hardware.
>> BTW. It not so that the LTC interrupt is enabled in your system? I have had
>> problem with that one. In certain cases it need to be disabled. If I
>> remember correctly I had problems booting RT11 from MSCP devices with LTC
>> enabled.
>> /Mattis
>>> Don

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