Random VGA question: 160x200 "high color" mode?

Christian Groessler ccmpcpg at yahoo.de
Wed Mar 2 11:00:11 CST 2016

On 03/02/16 04:30, Josh Dersch wrote:
> Awhile back a "pre-alpha" version of the PC classic "DOOM" was 
> unearthed (dated Feb 28, 1993), and it claims to support a "high 
> color" VGA mode.  From the README.TXT:
>         "Use High-color DAC (160 x200, but great color!)
>         (Only newer VGA cards have this-if it looks OK, ya got it)
>         (This may--okay, will--REALLY screw up the playscreen's
>          graphics.  Just look at the neat colors and don't worry.)"

Do you have a link to this version?


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