Leaking DEC VR201 monochrome monitor?

tony duell ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk
Wed Jun 22 14:24:41 CDT 2016

> (one tip: I used a silicone-based double-stick gel-like "tape" to
> remount the implosion protector (with an air gap) because the naked
> CRT didn't fit the VT220 housing well enough to make me happy - I'd
> approach the VR201 restoration with the same expectation).

As far as I know, the front of an implosion-protected CRT works
like a laminated windscreen (windshield). There are 2 (normal) 
glass layers bonded together by the 'goo'. If you've refitted the
outer layer with just fixing tape at the edges, you do not have
any implosion protection. And I certainly would not sit in front
of a CRT like that!


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