Substituting DSHD for DSDD disks (or DS2D if you prefer)

Christian Corti cc at
Wed Jan 27 03:51:12 CST 2016

On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Chuck Guzis wrote:
> So did Intel on the MDS.  I don't recall if there was any significant 
> difference between Intel and HP MMFM encoding, however.

The initial CRC value ($0000 vs. $FFFF) and the header (six vs. four 
bytes) are different, but the encoding was quite identical. The Intel 
header format was similar (or even the same) as the "standard" 
soft-sectored formats (i.e. with head and sector length bytes). The HP 
format knows only single-sided floppies with up to 32 sectors (0 to 31).
The address mark bytes are different, too.


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