Introducing myself and VAXstation 3100 help needed

william degnan billdegnan at
Fri Jan 22 11:54:04 CST 2016

> When I powered the box up with everything removed, I got the same MM
> subsystem failure error so I don't think it's the memory board.  I'm still
> waiting on my final cable to be able to get on the serial console so I
> can't run TEST 50 yet but I'm hoping someone on here can point me in
> another diagnostic direction.
> Or, does a failed "MM" test mean the CPU or main board are done with and I
> need to replace it?
> Many thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
> Thanks,
> Bryan

What version MicroVAX 3100?  Is it possible to remove some RAM but not all,
try again?

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