PDP-12 restauration in center Germany (J?rg Hoppe)

Jörg Hoppe j_hoppe at t-online.de
Sun Jan 17 01:32:18 CST 2016

Our website was updated, new URL for the PDP-12 is now


Am 11.01.2016 um 00:06 schrieb william degnan:
>>> Joerg,
>>> Take a look at a picture of our PDP-12. It has a PDP-8/I next to it as in
>>> your picture.
>> http://www.ricomputermuseum.org/Home/equipment/dec-pdp-12/dec-pdp-12-restoration/PDP-12_and_PDP-8I.jpg?attredirects=0
>>> We also have MAI and Wang systems.
>>> --
>>> Michael Thompson
> I love that green component cover on the left.  What a fantastic style DEC
> put into their systems.

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