RQDX3 disk image for Gesswein's MFM emulator

Charles Dickman chd at chdickman.com
Thu Aug 25 10:02:44 CDT 2016

Sorry if my request was unclear. I was asking for the disk data image
for an MFM disk hardware emulator.

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 5:30 AM, Mattis Lind <mattislind at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2016-08-24 22:48 GMT+02:00 Charles Dickman <chd at chdickman.com>:
>> I am looking for an RQDX3 compatible disk image for Dave Gesswein's
>> MFM disk emulator. I don't have a functional disk to image and the
>> ZRQCH0 won't cooperate.
> I just read this:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mfm-discuss/GHfvVBL_HOQ
> and this:
> http://www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?49890-MFM-emulator-zrqch0-and-friends-some-notes
> It seems that someone has been successful formatting an image. I haven't
> tried myself.

Yes, I have seen that too. It is unsatisfying because there is
reference to a different version of ZRQCH0 from an unknown source. I
would be surprised if there were two different versions of ZRQCH0,
wouldn't it be ZRQCI0 (or ZRQCJ0 or even ZRQCH1)?. What seems to
happen is the RQDX3 identifies the emulated MFM disk as an RX33 and
doesn't give the option of entering the UIT selection.


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