DEC Indicator Panels page

Rod Smallwood rodsmallwood52 at
Wed Aug 17 22:03:19 CDT 2016

On 17/08/2016 21:56, Noel Chiappa wrote:
> So, I've been working for a while on a page about DEC indicator panels (the
> standardized 36x4 light arrays which go into a 19" rack, with an inlay to
> customize it to a particular device). It's online now, here:
> Does anyone happen to have a good image of an RK08 panel, or an RF11, which I
> can use here?
> Even better, does anyone know of, or have images of, panels which are not
> listed here? (I am not including the unknown 'RK' panel in the RSTS document,
> which will be the subject of a separate message.)
> Thanks!
> 	Noel
  I can make any of these -
Rod(Panelman) Smallwood

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