AT&T 3b2, IBM RT, others

Ken Seefried seefriek at
Fri Aug 5 21:03:38 CDT 2016

I'd really like the AT&T 4425 terminal, which doesn't seem to have
been claimed.  I spent a couple of years with one on my desk.  Any
chance they'd ship?

My wife and I have an agreement that if I bring home any more VME kit
I have to get rid of an equivalent tonnage of other things.  So unless
that Motorola tower is an 88200 or something suitable esoteric, I
probably need to pass.

The E&S box looks like a Sun 3/110 or 4/110 with additional boards.
I'd love to have one.

Obviously, I would have killed for the Explorer or the RTs.  Double
kill for the 5620.  Good they've found homes.


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