Looking for RX01/02 rack slides

Charles charlesmorris800 at centurytel.net
Sun Sep 27 14:39:29 CDT 2015

I just acquired an RX01 drive (and an RX8E) for my 8/A system. It wasn't too 
painful to get it going, as the RX8E had "only" one bad IC that was easy to 
find and I had a spare. Details on the DEC forum at vintage-computer.com. 
Then the RX01 started audibly working, but with new-old-stock 3M diskettes, 
showed 22 seek errors on the first pass to Drive 0, finding good headers 
with correct CRC but the wrong ones a track or two away. That cleared up 
promptly and 25 successive passes had no errors on either drive. So now I 
have two floppies with 487 free blocks each, built in OS/8 ;)

However, the drive came only with the inner slides (that attach to the 
chassis), but not the outer rails that bolt to the rack.
So I'm looking for either a complete pair of RX slides, or just the outer 
ones that I need. If they can't be had, I may have to find a heavy-duty rack 
shelf and set the drive on it. That would be inconvenient to service the 
drive but it should not need attention often.

Can anyone help me find some? Thanks.

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