Structured Fortran - was Re: Self modifying code, lambda calculus

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Wed Sep 23 01:23:09 CDT 2015

On 09/22/2015 09:06 PM, Jay Jaeger wrote:

> That is just because they are so old that, aside from collectors or
> those interested in a particular old machine, nobody ever *bothered*.
> By the time C came along, those machines were well on their way to their
> eventual demise.
> I am 100% certain, for example, that it would be possible to come up
> with a C compiler for a 40K IBM 1410, which is in the set you describe.
>   But even I, as one of the few denizens that are "into" that particular
> machine, would not bother with a C compiler for it.

Look, I can probably implement a C compiler (or FORTRAN or GPSS or 
JOVIAL or...) in Brainf*ck.  But a 1401 C would very likely be 
ill-suited to solving numeric problems compared to FORTRAN on the same 

Which is the point.  I suppose that it's possible to implement graphics 
manipulation routines in RPG II.

After all, languages are supposed to expose features of the underlying 
machine to the programmer.  If that weren't the case, we'd all be 
writing machine code.

Languages don't do anything in and of themselves.  You can write 
gibberish in any computer language.  Similarly, you can also write code 
that solves problems.

The argument is one of ease, not ability.


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