youtube video of a runnning XDS Sigma mainframe with lots of nice peripherals

Glen Slick glen.slick at
Sat Oct 31 12:58:02 CDT 2015

On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Lee Courtney <leec2124 at> wrote:
> Unfortunately George passed away a few years ago. All the HW and SW that
> was in running condition was rescued by the LCM in Seattle. I know LCM has
> had someone with Sigma experience working on and off on the Sigma to get it
> running again. Not sure of the current status. But, that would be an
> awesome time-sharing system alongside the DEC-20 they have.

"In 2011 the Living Computer Museum in Seattle, Washington acquired a
Sigma 9 from a service bureau (Applied Esoterics/George Plue Estate)
and has made it operational.[2] That Sigma 9 CPU was at the University
of Southern Mississippi until Nov. 1985 when Andrews University
purchased it and took it to Michigan. In Feb. 1990 Andrews University
via Keith Calkins sold and delivered it to Applied Esoterics in
Flagstaff. Keith Calkins made the Sigma 9 functional for the museum in
2012/13 and brought up the CP-V operating system in Dec. 2014."

One of these days I need to get over to LCM and check out all of the
cool stuff they have there.

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