papertape repair tape or kit wanted

tony duell ard at
Mon Nov 30 06:25:16 CST 2015

> NOTE: I will pay a generous price for a few inches of papertape repair tape
> if anyone has any!  I am located in Landenberg, PA USA....Contact me
> privately if you can help.

The official splicing tape I've seen is in little squares with all holes punched 
(probably covers 9 or 10 characters on the tape. I may still have some 
somewhere, but it was trasparent tape so the crack between the ends of the 
2 bits of paper tape you were joining would confuse most optical treaders. 

In the end I would run out a bit of all-holes tape (the Facit 4070 punch I use
has a switch for this!), cut off a bit and stick that over the join using paper
glue (a Prit Stick or equivalent works OK for splices that don't have to last
too long)


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