WTB Miniscribe 3425 (working or parts donor)

Jules Richardson jules.richardson99 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 06:17:42 CST 2015

On 11/25/2015 12:19 AM, Mark J. Blair wrote:
> I have the drive spinning up happily, though track alignment is still a
> crap shoot. I've tried dumping it with the MFM Reader/Emulator, and its
> software could not make sense of the track format or CRC. I dumped a raw
> MFM transitions file for more analysis, since the Xebec controller might
> just use a track format that the emulator software doesn't currently
> support.

I *think* the track format for the S1410 is documented in the board manual, 
so if you can get raw track data then there's a chance that you might be 
able to make sense of it.

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