WTB Miniscribe 3425 (working or parts donor)

Chuck Guzis cclist at sydex.com
Tue Nov 24 23:37:44 CST 2015

On 11/24/2015 08:45 PM, Mark J. Blair wrote:

> The hard drive is blinking an error code on its LED, reporting that
> it cannot cover the track 0 sensor. Measuring the sensor pins with a
> DMM while the drive is powered makes me believe that the optical
> sensor itself is working correctly. Its output disappears into a
> Miniscribe-marked, presumably custom IC, so I don't have high hopes
> of debugging this further within the bounds of my gumption.

Maybe it's trying to tell you that it's really a brick?  :)

(For those who recall the Miniscribe debacle).


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