Wanted: stand for NeXT monitor

Toby Thain toby at telegraphics.com.au
Fri May 29 14:44:08 CDT 2015

On 2015-05-29 10:09 AM, Chris Osborn wrote:
> On May 28, 2015, at 8:20 AM, Sean Caron <scaron at umich.edu> wrote:
>> Can you even run Openstep on the NeXT proprietary hardware? The performance
>> must be awful…
> My NeXTstation 25mhz 68040 with 40 megs of RAM runs OPENSTEP 4.2
> just
fine. I never felt like it was laggy or anything. In fact, when I got
OSX (aka OPENSTEP 5) running on a beige G3 tower for the first time, I
couldn’t understand why it was so absolutely unusable, since the
performance of OPENSTEP 4 on my NeXT was very snappy.

My impression is the same - the UI on my Cube, slabs, is quite zippy. I 
think that hardware blitter helps...


> --
> Follow me on twitter: @FozzTexx
> Check out my blog: http://insentricity.com

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