Old HP test equipment power connectors...

Chuck Guzis cclist at sydex.com
Wed May 27 15:06:41 CDT 2015

On 05/27/2015 12:45 PM, Brent Hilpert wrote:

> For my part, no, I've always replaced them (where doable) with the
> common IEC C14 chassis inlets. See the bottom of my web page. Yes it
> does require some cutting of the original, so it depends on whether
> one wants to do that, and one's will and skill with hand files.

I use a plain old sheet metal hand nibbler.  Much cleaner and doesn't 
require dressing of the edges.   One usually can find them for USD$10 or 
less--all seem to come from Taiwan.  I've got one with the anvil 
modified to allow for notching of "dragon's teeth" when joining two bits 
of sheet metal.

> I've never tried the C6 type as I rarely see them anyways. Note the
> C5/C6 has a considerably lower current rating than the C13/C14, which
> is presumably why it was introduced as an additional standard.
> I keep around a box of C14s scavenged from discarded equipment for
> the purpose, but I also replace fixed lines cords with C14s whenever
> I can, because I hate moving and storing equipment with dangling
> power cords.

My HP Scanner uses a C5/C6 connection, but a much smaller thin client 
uses the C7/C8--although later versions of that piece of equipment use 
C13/C14--I suppose that the maker (Neoware) received too much flack on 
their choice of receptacle.

The 2.5A rating on the C5...C8 connectors had me wondering if the UK 
versions have fused mains plugs--and if it's still customary to use the 
ubiquitous 13A fuses in those...


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