Place of manufacture for DEC equipment?

Paul Koning paulkoning at
Tue May 5 08:16:57 CDT 2015

> On May 5, 2015, at 5:38 AM, Rod Smallwood <rodsmallwood52 at> wrote:
> I think the best one I ever saw was an  LA36 at our Heathrow warehouse.
> I worked for the Terminals Product Line and one of my jobs was to go with the insurance man
> to look at damaged in transit claims.
> LA36's were shipped screwed to something like a half sized pallet,
> Then a cardboard box with no top or bottom over that and finally a lid  on top
> Then the usual strapping holding lid and box to the pallet.
> They would be unloaded off the plane by fork lift truck.
> They had managed to get one fork through the cardboard outer,
> then through the back of the steel plinth, the two circuit boards inside,
> the front of the plinth and then the other side of the box.

There’s a story (possibly true) about an RP03 that was being air-shipped from Boston airport.  The pallet was not properly strapped down, so when the plane applied takeoff power, the plane started moving but the RP03 stayed in place.  It exited through the rear fuselage and landed on the tarmac, bending the corner of the frame quite a lot.

It was taken back to Maynard for inspection.  The local techs put a couple of bricks under the bent corner and applied power.  The drive worked fine.


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