Huge IBM 1800 find (and need some help)

Bob Rosenbloom bobalan at
Sat Mar 21 22:09:47 CDT 2015

On 3/21/2015 7:11 PM, William Donzelli wrote:
>> My guess is that the individual cabinets won't be all that heavy, a
>> couple beefy guys should be able to work it down the stairs safely, but it
>> will be a rough, sweaty job.
> I doubt that - 1800s are built to the S/360 specs. 907 kg for a two
> rack system sounds reasonable.
> --
> Will

My 1800 had to be around a ton. I moved it using a small lift gate truck 
that had a 2000 pound rated lift.
It could not lift it. I had to use a jack and blocks to help it up into 
the truck. It was hard to even roll it around
the floor with two people.

I have many SLT card spares for mine, probably a few thousand or so. I 
don't think they are very hard to find.

Al scanned all of my paper docs awhile back. I believe the ALD's were 
part of that. I can check to see what I have
if needed, I still have all of the paper.


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