Reproducing old machines with newer technology (Re: PDP-12 at the RICM)

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Tue Jul 14 13:30:21 CDT 2015

On 07/14/2015 11:14 AM, Alan Hightower wrote:
> Determinism. Unless you run your software simulator bare-metal - which
> most aren't - cycle accuracy is always a race. Before you say modern
> processors are 100,000 times faster than emulated ones - so just spin
> wait until the next virtual time tick, that is always a moving ratio or
> opportunity for a context switch right at the threshold. I might want to
> emulate a vintage i7 on an i19 one day.

You might start with a CDC STAR-100 and then graduate to the i7.

Does a STAR-100 emulator (software, I'm not even going to broach the 
subject of hardware) even exist?


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