11/34 up! (sort of)

Tim Thompson tiggerlasv at aim.com
Tue Jan 27 05:40:25 CST 2015

On Mon Jan 26 21:42:02 CST 2015, Jacob Ritorto wrote:

> I initially had, but mysteriously lost the console emulator/ODT
> functionality, seems it's starting at 165000 instead of 165200 at poweron.
> Maybe a 9312 switch mis-set...  So I'm booting from the panel by calling
> the address of the ODT or the rl02 boot rom, which does the trick.

I think it's supposed to be at 165020.

Check switch-pack 1, and make sure that 7 is On.

I think the default for the switch-pack is:
1, 2, and 7 = On.    Everything else = Off.


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