MEM11 Status Update

tony duell ard at
Wed Jan 21 22:52:43 CST 2015

> You know, in nearly 25 years of knocking around DEC collecting I've never
> seen an RK11C or known anyone who had one. Are any still extant? Any pics

Yes, I have one. AFAIK it is still operational (I haven't got it all set up since
the move), if not, it will be easy to fix.

> on on the net? I haven't been able to find any; I presume it's similar in
> general arrangement to the TC08, RP11, and RP15 controllers which I do
> have; a rack, a backplane, a bunch of M-series logic, and an indicator
> panel at the rack top? I'd love to find one!

It's 4 rows of flip-chip cards (some of which may well be specific to the
RK11-C) and an H720 PSU. Some of the backplane connectors are used
for Unibus in and out and for the drive cable (2 cables, 4 drives on each)
There are also a couple of connectors (linked with that flexible DEC 
ribbon cable to connectors on the wire-wrap side) for KM11 test
boards and 4 slots for the cables from the panel. The panel may well
have been optional, mine came without it, and there is no mention of it 
really in the printset. I have a couple of the lights panels (came with my
DX11s) and I may well move one onto the RK11-C.


'No greater love hath a man than he lay down his life for his brother.
Not for millions, not for glory, not for fame.
For one person, in the dark, where no one will ever know or see.'

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