Multi-node BBS'

Alan Hightower alan at
Tue Feb 17 16:44:31 CST 2015


I had a 2-node board running a file sharing program called $25Net over a
serial cable at 38400. I had a fancy Hayes intelligent serial card (DMA
engine) in a 5150 sitting on the floor beneath my 386 main node. Both
were running Spitfire BBS with Hayes 2400 smart modems and later Courier
HST/9600s. Worked surprisingly well. Crystal Palace BBS, Cabot
Arkansas.. RIP (and not the protocol). 


On 2015-02-17 09:44, JP Hindin wrote: 

> Gary's pulling up a BBS pushed me onto a wave of nostalgia so I've been
> digging through my old DOS archives of BBS software and the like that I
> picked up years ago and I came to a question.
> How did people set up multi-node BBS' back in the day?
> I know you could run something like Desqview and run multiple copies on a
> single system, and some BBS' (like TBBS) had built-in multitasking so it
> handled multiple modems. And, of course, you could get fancy and run a
> Novell network. Were there other ways of doing this?
> I also saw a random mention of multi-node Commodore BBS'. Given Commodores
> didn't network or multi-task, I'm curious if the author of the note was
> mistaken, or if such things existed -- and then how did they work?
> My thanks for helping with my flashback;
> - JP

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