It's time to restore the 11/45.

Jon Elson elson at
Thu Feb 5 19:50:41 CST 2015

On 02/05/2015 12:08 PM, tony duell wrote:
> [Dual Unibus on the 11/45]
>> Gee, our 11/45 (SN343) didn't have this, as far as I know.
>> This sounds more like an
>> 11/70.
> My 11/45 (S/N 315) most certainly does have the capability for
> dual Unibus, but I have the M9200 jumper fitted. You only get
> the dual Unibus if you have the special 11/45 memory boards,
> which I don't.
> -tony
Yes, we definitely did not have any dual-port memory on 
ours.  I guess I do
remember some kind of special jumper module that straddled 2 


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