More on manuals plus rescue

Jay Jaeger cube1 at
Tue Aug 18 22:30:25 CDT 2015

On 8/18/2015 8:35 PM, Shoppa, Tim wrote:
>> IA saturates the channel. Jason and IA are deliberately working to redirect all search
>> traffic to IA from the original mirrors by constantly creating useless 'new' content that
>> Google thinks is real.
>> I have watched over time as the volume of Google top search hits have migrated to IA hosted
>> content from the mirrors.
> I have occasionally stumbled into the bitsavers stuff on IA and was just confused and perplexed about what the IA guys are trying to do. Bitsavers has a perfectly obvious and navigable layout; IA makes no sense at all.
> (Of course I'm a little biased!!!)
> Tim N3QE

IA seems to be search based, rather than navigation based - but without
a good engine, or if they have a good engine, the interface isn't
intuitive.  The might want to look into Lucene / SOLR.


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