Opening a DECserver 90M External PSU

Robert Jarratt robert.jarratt at
Fri Apr 17 09:06:05 CDT 2015

One of my DECserver 90M PSUs got dropped and stopped working as a result,
possibly because it got pulled by the cable. That sounds like the kind of
damage that might be repairable. I tried to open the enclosure and I found a
hole under one of the labels, expecting it to be a screw hole, but it isn't.
I am guessing you just have to pry the halves apart, but without knowing
where the clips are inside it is easy just to break the thing.


Does anyone know how you open these PSUs?






PS Yes I know these PSUs are notoriously unreliable, and that you can make a
PSU with a DIN plug and a wall wart, but I would still like the original to
work if possible.

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