Burroughs B1900 for sale in North Carolina

William Donzelli wdonzelli at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 18:50:53 CDT 2015

How much stuff is there?

I am rescheduling my roadtrip you way for May/June.

On Apr 16, 2015 1:59 PM, "Al Kossow" <aek at bitsavers.org> wrote:

> On 4/15/15 8:39 PM, William Donzelli wrote:
>> Are you confident that you could go get it? If so, I can pass it to you. I
>> have fairly large B1955 already, and I will be damned if a Burroughs gets
>> scrapped on my watch.
> We should work out something to get all the B195x parts I have to you. I
> picked them
> up from the last guy who was servicing them, based out of Nashville in the
> mid 2000's

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