Whitesmith C install
E. Groenenberg
quapla at xs4all.nl
Wed Nov 5 02:20:21 CST 2014
Well, it did work, turns out the instruction how to extract the
data is ... in the file itself as 'instal.doc'
For those who want to install Whitesmiths C, use the following
commands to get it done under RSX11M/MP
$ all ms0:
$ mou/for ms0:
$ flx /rs=ms0:[*,*]movemt.cmd/do
$ @movemt
specify ms0: as the answer, et voila it's done
Now it's playing time again
> On 2014-11-04 17:41, E. Groenenberg wrote:
>> Well, that is certainly weird.
>> I'll retry again with it again with a new download of the file.
> I can't remember. Are you on HECnet. If so, I now have the tape there as
> a virtual tape for RSX... Let me know if you'd like to pick it up.
> Johnny
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
>>> On 2014-11-04 15:55, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>>>> On 2014-11-04 15:36, E. Groenenberg wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying to install the Whitesmiths C compiler under RSX11M using
>>>>> FLX (using the Whiteshmiths c compiler distribution tape V2.25 from
>>>>> bitsavers).
>>>>> Alas, 'FLX' says the tape has zero files and directories, while a
>>>>> dump
>>>>> under Linux shows definitely some contents.
>>>>> I tried both the simh & tpc format, no luck here yet.
>>>>> Am I missing something?
>>>>> The command I used is 'flx /rs=ms0:[*,*]/do'
>>>> Have you tried just listing the directories with FLX to see if you see
>>>> anything?
>>>> Also, isn't there some installation script for doing the installation?
>>>> Or are you just expected to copy everything over from the tape?
>>>> I have never played with the Whitesmith C compiler myself, but I could
>>>> check it out, now that I know it exists...
>>> Just downloaded the file and attached it on an RSX system here, and FLX
>>> can access the tape just fine. As an FYI, all files are actually under
>>> [1,4]
>>> Johnny
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