is there any word processing software for the pdp11?

Zane Healy healyzh at
Tue Dec 2 22:37:11 CST 2014

On Dec 2, 2014, at 1:38 PM, Rich Alderson <RichA at> wrote:

> I used Multics Emacs when I was given the project of putting the University of
> Chicago on an MMDF-based phone network sponsored by EDUCOM and called EDUnet.
> MIT-MULTICS was the hub for the system, so I had an account there and was very
> happy to find my favorite editor available.  That was 1983-84, after which I
> moved to Stanford.  The rest, as they say, is boring old stuff^W^W^Whistory.

If it ran on Multics, I find myself wondering if it ran on GCOS-8.


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